Report on the Workshop on 21 September 2019

The main aims of the workshop were:

Workshop 21 Sept 2019
  • to present, and answer questions on, the first drafts of the plan policies (click here to see Draft Plan Policies)
  • to present, and answer questions on, the Summary Assessments of sites still under consideration to meet identified housing needs (click here to see the summary site assessments)
  • to clarify housing needs as identified in the Housing Needs Survey.

Over 60 people attended and gave detailed feedback on both the policies and the sites either in person (by completing post-it notes with comments or talking to steering group members) or in follow-up emails and letters. All feedback has been recorded and analysed with the summary of the feedback on Policies and on Sites – below.

Summary of feedback from workshop on 21st September 2019

Workshop 21 Sept 2019

1. Comments on Policies

General concerns about water supply, sewerage, road access; support for the footpath from the Forstal; support for tree planting and reusable energy systems; concern about excessive and poorly directed security lighting and about parking/congestion at school and Stonebridge Green

2. Comments on Sites

Hardens Field, Barhams Mill

  • Although small business units a good idea, roads and location generally considered to be totally unsuitable.
  • Adverse impact on landscape and neighbouring properties
  • Workshop 21 Sept 2019

Forstal Road/Crocken Hill

  • Concern about visual impact, impact on traffic at crossroads, impact on neighbours, impact of additional housing on sewerage system, executive homes not needed and no affordable housing, lengthening ribbon development
  • Concerns over the loss of green space/open countryside, loss of grazing land, loss of tranquility, interruption of long views, the impacts on drainage, potential traffic congestion.

Gale Field

  • Wide support for essential affordable housing to meet village needs, considered to be less detrimental than other sites, with minimal impact on neighbouring properties and the natural environment.
  • Workshop 21 Sept 2019
  • Considered to maintain green gaps and maintain key views, with scope to improve accessibility to village centre and minimise traffic congestion with more off-road parking.
  • Some concerns about existing on-street parking, impact on neighbouring houses, historic views, additional traffic generation, and scepticism about alleviating existing parking issues, improving the footpath to the village centre and minimal environmental impact.

Orchard Cottage paddock, Mundy Bois

  • No major objections, considering minimal impact on neighbouring properties, protection of green gaps and key views, and minimal impact on traffic congestion and the natural environment
  • But no affordable housing
Workshop 21 Sept 2019

Harmers’ North Field

  • Some support for development, given proximity to village facilities, inclusion of small homes and affordable housing, scope for upgrading services.
  • Considered to align with existing settlement pattern, by continuing existing development, and to support community assets, with easy pedestrian access to village centre.
  • Wide concerns about skyline development, impact on the Greensand Way, the large number and density of houses, the impact on water supply and rain and foul water drainage, the adverse impact on neighbouring properties and difficult site access.
  • Concerns at increased traffic movements, the cumulative impacts of this proposal and Ashford Borough Council’s allocated site for about 15 houses off New Road, interrupted long range views, adverse environmental impacts, and the imbalance created with the scale of new housing in this location.
  • Also concerns that not in accordance with the Housing Needs Survey or in line with the Parish Design Statement.